Last Friday the Children in Need charity event was on TV. At Longborough Dental Practice, we all dressed in Pudsey scarfs (and some of the less inhibited wore furry ears) for the day, to raise awareness/sponsorship for a walk we intended on the following Sunday.

There were nine of us in all, Longborough team members and various relatives, friends and dogs. I had put posters and sponsorship forms in the patient lounges and reception at the Practice so we had pledges for donations which we were all determined to collect. We intended to walk 10 miles despite the conditions. We expected the walk up Box Hill to be fairly tough because several of the party (including me) had done this before. What we didn't expect was that the minute we started off the wind would pick up and it would start to pour. By the time we got to the top of the hill (slipping and sliding all the way up) it was blowing a gale and the rain was lashing down!
Intrepid and determined as we were it was very hard work (as you can see from the pictures). It also took a lot longer than we had intended because it was so difficult to walk in all the mud. (I am still trying to wash the mud out of my clothes.) But we all got to the top and all got back down safely, though we did take a slightly shorter route than planned. Anyway, at least the three dogs enjoyed the walk!
A big thank you to all the walkers and to all the sponsors. We have raised a total of nearly £350 which will be sent to Pudsey.
ps. If you pledged money don't forget to send in your donation
Senior Dental Nurse, Longborough