Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Sport Relief Success

Team Longborough go that extra S-mile!

Sunday, March 21 saw Team Longborough run for Sport Relief in the Guildford Mile. We arrived at 10.15am feeling slightly nervous about the challenge ahead. We fixed our numbers firmly to our t-shirts and then we noticed a common theme – ours all started with a six. As we looked around at other people we could see plenty of ones, quite a few number threes but very few sixes. Of course the number represented the distance to which we had committed! This made us feel even more nervous. How many people were running six miles? How fit did they look? (Very!) Could we do this? Had we set ourselves a challenge too far? So with great trepidation we moved towards the start line. The Mayor of Guildford counted us down and we were off…

As we approached the first hill the sun peeped out from behind the clouds and we felt a growing certainty that we were going to finish and raise as much money as we could for Sport Relief. It wasn’t easy but we motivated each other and pushed ourselves beyond our previous training sessions. Janet and Alison managed to complete the six miles in 58 minutes! With Fiona coming in just moments behind at 62 minutes and Lisa and Katherine arriving at the finishing line in 1 hour and 10 minutes. Not at all bad considering we had planned for a slow and gentle hour and a half to complete the challenge.

So a BIG thank you to all our sponsors you did tremendously well in helping us to raise nearly £600 for Sport Relief (and the money is still coming in). Thank you from Team Longborough.

What’s Next? Team Longborough is always trying to find new challenges. We are considering a mini-triathlon in September and a 10k run for CHASE in November. If you would like to challenge us to raise money for charity why not send your suggestions to

Thursday, 4 March 2010

We're rising to the challenge for Sport Relief

We’re challenging ourselves to run 6 miles on Sunday 21 March in The Guildford Mile!
We need your help and sponsorship.

Team Longborough (pictured above) comprises, Alison, Katherine, Fiona, Lisa and Janet. Six weeks ago we were asked if we would put forward a team to participate in the Sport Relief Mile. Our initial response was a tentative ‘maybe?’ However it didn’t take long for that to turn in to a positive ‘Yes!’  And one mile just didn’t seem enough! So we threw caution to the wind and decided if we were going to do it we might as well go for it and entered for the 6 mile run.

For the past few weeks Team Longborough has been in training. Fiona, Janet, Lisa, Katherine and Alison have been pounding pavements and treadmills and are preparing themselves for this great challenge. We would love to raise our target of £500 but wouldn’t it be fantastic if we managed more. Please help us exceed our goal and raise as much as we possibly can. The money you give will help people living incredibly tough lives both at home in the UK and across the world's poorest countries.

You can sponsor Team Longborough using the link below. Thank you for your support.