Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Cosmetic dentistry and implants can keep you smiling

The team at Longborough Dental Practice are committed to helping their patients retain their own teeth and can offer a wide range of preventative and restorative treatments to help keep everyone smiling.

People want to keep fitter for longer and retain a ‘youthful’ appearance and a healthy mouth will help contribute to this. There is now a well established link between periodontal disease (gum disease) and the risk of coronary heart disease. At Longborough, patients who understand the importance of maintaining healthy gums regularly see the dental hygienist.

There are also many ways of filling a ‘gap’ without resorting to a denture. Dental implants are one means of ensuring a confident smile. If replacing a molar tooth an implant will help to maintain a good biting surface which in itself is crucial to long term good health and well being.

However, if you are already living with a loose denture which causes you to miss out on life’s simple pleasures such as eating your favourite foods, laughing, smiling or talking in public, all is not lost!

At Longborough the dental team can offer you mini-implants for denture stabilisation. After a simple procedure to fit mini-implants our patients can find their lives transformed.

Practice Manager