Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Root Canal Treatment: myths and misconceptions

Mr William Scott BDS MSc MClinDent

Almost every patient referred to me for root canal treatment has a friend/friends who told the most terribly tales (and were happy to tell them) of spine tingly, horrible, root canal experiences. It is time to lay to rest the misunderstandings, misconceptions, and myths surrounding endodontic (root canal) treatment once and for all.

1. ‘Root Canal Treatment is Painful’ – FALSE

Truth: Root canal treatment does not cause pain, it relieves pain. The belief that root canal work is painful was fostered many, many, decades ago when several aspects of dentistry were in their infancy. Today, with the latest techniques and anaesthetics, root canal treatment is no more uncomfortable than having a filling placed.

2. ‘Root Canal Treatment Does Not Work’ - FALSE

Truth: studies indicate success rates of 90% to 95% for root canal treatments done by endodontists. Of course, badly done root canal work will fail, just as any type of work done to a poor standard will not be a success.  

On the other hand, clinical excellence backed by the latest techniques, equipment, and materials lead to high levels of long-term success. A root canal treatment done to a high standard on a tooth carefully restored by your dentist and well looked after by the patient can last a lifetime.

3. ‘A Good Alternative to Root Canal Treatment is Extraction’ – False

Truth- Saving your natural teeth, if possible, is the very best option.
Nothing can completely replace your natural tooth. Keeping your own teeth is important not just cosmetically, but also functionally; allowing you to enjoy the wide variety of foods necessary to maintain a healthy balanced diet.

Endodontic treatment, if clinically possible, combined with an appropriate restoration placed by your dentist, is a cost effective way to treat teeth with root canal infections, and is usually less expensive than extraction and placement of a bridge or an implant.
Millions of healthy endodontically treated teeth serve patients all over the world, for years and years after treatment.  

These healthy teeth help patients chew efficiently; maintain their natural smiles and enhance their quality of life.

William Scott is our new Endodontist at