I’m Practice Manager at Longborough and I’ve worked here for 15 years. In all that time I have dreamed of having straight teeth but never wanted traditional orthodontic treatment or veneers (another method of filling unsightly gaps). The crunch came recently when we had some pictures taken for our website. I had noticed that the gap in my front teeth was getting worse and the teeth at the sides were becoming more rotated, but when I saw this picture I knew action was needed.
When I was younger I had orthodontics but never with a fixed appliance (train tracks). I attended Guy’s Hospital in London and I was treated by Professor Tulley who was very highly respected in his field at the time. The results were good but I was a teenager so naturally I didn’t wear my retainer as conscientiously as I should have. (My father Richard Hooker, a dentist himself, really had to put up with a lot.) Over time and without a retainer the gaps in my teeth opened up and they began to rotate. I just accepted my teeth for what they were. After all they were dentally fit and a good colour. I learned to live with it but I wasn't happy.
In June 2008 we were fortunate enough to be joined at Longborough by Paul Ward, a leading orthodontic specialist. When I plucked up the courage to talk to him about my teeth he immediately said he could help me get the smile I wanted. He suggested that I have ‘Lingual Orthodontics’ and not just any lingual appliance but an amazing appliance called Incognito.
Next week I am having my upper appliance fitted. I’m feeling slightly anxious about how it’s going to feel but incredibly excited about the end results. I will endeavour to keep you up to date with the treatment as it progresses via this blog. I’ve put some information about the treatment below so you can see for yourself how it works.
If you are interested and want to know more call our reception team and make an appointment with Paul. It’s never too late for orthodontics to give you the smile you deserve.
Practice Manager

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